Pastor Anthony Cox

John 3:16 say that God so loved the world that he gave his only son.. God not only gave, but gave his very best to bring mankind back to himself. He reached out first; He loved first, so why shouldn’t I? Relationships is an vital part of our culture at RLC.

We are all leaders in some fashion because someone is following us. Therefore, we must understand leadership from Gods perspective. A great leader is a great servant and when this is modelled and acted out we can impact our children, household, and workplace.

The family that is founded on influences based on God's Word is the bedrock that holds this sacred unit together. We must make time to cultivate those relationships and show acts of kindness that is not self seeking. Imagine a family where their DNA was how can I serve others. This would virtually remove over 90% of the situations that can cause division.
The Call

Anthony Cox comes from a family that served in the ministry. His father was a Pastor and this is where Anthony journey began. God placed within him special gifts of creativty and compassion for people. This initially lead down the road of academia where he pursued a career in engineering. He served at IBM obtaining experience and practical skills in leadership and management. He faithfully gave his talents and abilities to the church where he served for many years. His compassion for God's people and passion for Salvation of the lost facilitated the call on his life to go into the ministry. His soul mate, best friend and wife of 30 years was with him every step of the way. Together they embarked on a new journey that utimately changed their lives for the Glory of God. Their heart is to passionately touch everyone with the Gospel of Jesus regardless of your economic status or race. If you feel like an outcast because of past deeds or associations, you are welcome here.
Anthony sees RLC as the hospital for the hurting, injured, wounded and those fighting for identify and self worth. Our leaders are the doctors and surgeons that work tirelessly for you. Our volunteers welcome you, assist you and creates a pleasant environment that you know you are accepted. If someone is telling you about all the great things we are doing and how they were helped, they most likely are those who came in just like you. Through the power of God, they were changed and are paying it forward to someone else. By the way, they are some of our newest volunteers, doctors and surgeons. They have been in your shoes and do not judge you only seek to bless you.