Get to know Relevant Life Church

A Church That You Can Call Home

I Found a church where I was accepted and heard relevant messages that helped me and my family grow in my christian walk.

Community Involvement

Sunday Gatherings

We are a church where people find acceptance, hope, truth and encouragement.We reach out in loving, revelant ways, welcoming  and bringing others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Relationships are important to us; therefore we create environments that are inspiring and authentic. One that fosters togetherness and interactions that are engaging and healthy. RLC is a place for those who are far from God, and those who are seeking him are discipled so they can grow and mature in Christ and move to deeper levels of commitment and involvement in God’s Kingdom.

Time & Location

Our Sunday morning services are at 10 am.

Common Questions

We want you to be as comfortable as possible during the worship service, so there is no dress code. Please come dressed comfortably, yet respectably. Our worship will typically begin with a powerful time of prayer and a period of lively praise and concludes after Pastor Cox expounds on the Word.

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Building Layout

What to expect

Worship is one of the core foundations of Relevant Life Church. Our desire is to use our songs and music to help people connect with God in a greater way. RLC is committed to extravagantly and passionately expressing our love to our Lord and Savior. God is worthy of our highest and our best.

We believe that God inhabits the praises of His people. We desire to clearly sense and experience God's presence every time the church gathers. We want to connect intimately with Him and hear His voice so that more of His character and nature can be found in us!

Get connected

We recognize the difference between a crowd and a congregation is relationships. That is why connecting with others is important. Living life together creates bonds so that when challanging situations and circumstances arise, you are not alone. Life is a journey and we want to walk it with you and share your triumphs, failures and magic moments. Come join our family and experience the joy of community.